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Requirements for knitting

Arm knitting is fashionable, but sometimes knitters need needles, hooks and other supplies for knitting. You can also find here a knitting mill that is suitable as a useful and fun gift for children and adults.

Pom-pom maker

Pom-pom maker

Tool for making yarn pom-...


Your price: 3,67 EUR

Digitální row counter

Digitální row counter

You can use a digital row...


Your price: 1,12 EUR

Produkt není momentálně skladem.

Metal blunt needle 7cm

Metal blunt needle 7cm

The needle is suitable fo...


Your price: 0,23 EUR

Plastic needle 50 mm for the fabric stitching

Plastic needle 50 mm for the fabric stitching

Various colors....


Your price: 0,09 EUR

Plastic needle 55 mm

Plastic needle 55 mm

A needle suitable for sti...


Your price: 0,06 EUR

Plastic needle 70 mm for the fabric stitching

Plastic needle 70 mm for the fabric stitching

Various colors....


Your price: 0,09 EUR

Plastic needle 93 mm for the fabric stitching

Plastic needle 93 mm for the fabric stitching



Your price: 0,10 EUR

Jehla tenká s uchem 4 mm, délka 12,1 cm

Jehla tenká s uchem 4 mm, délka 12,1 cm

Šicí jehla o délce 12,1 c...


Your price: 0,10 EUR

Upholstery needles 3 pcs

Upholstery needles 3 pcs

Upholstery needles with a...


Your price: 1,50 EUR

Nickel Plated Beading Needles 40 mm

Nickel Plated Beading Needles 40 mm

These needles are designe...


Your price: 0,60 EUR

Felting needles 7 pcs

Felting needles 7 pcs

Triangular felting needle...


Your price: 5,77 EUR

Blunt stitching needles mix size 9 pcs

Blunt stitching needles mix size 9 pcs

Metal needles for sewing ...


Your price: 2,54 EUR

Sharp needles 4.5-6.5cm/18pcs

Sharp needles 4.5-6.5cm/18pcs

Sharp metal needles 4.5-6...


Your price: 1,49 EUR

Needles with a large eye 4-6cm/25 pcs

Needles with a large eye 4-6cm/25 pcs

Metal needles with a larg...


Your price: 2,54 EUR

Kartičky na přízi 40x37 mm

Kartičky na přízi 40x37 mm

Cena je uvedena za 1 ks....


Your price: 0,08 EUR

Knitting needle stoppers

Knitting needle stoppers

Do your stitches fall fro...


Your price: 0,15 EUR

A needle gauge BELLA

A needle gauge BELLA

The needle gauge plywood ...

Original price: 2,15 EUR

Your price: 1,18 EUR

MIX auxiliary safety pin, end caps, row counter / 204pcs

MIX auxiliary safety pin, end caps, row counter / 204pcs

Package contains: auxili...

Original price: 12,31 EUR

Your price: 6,77 EUR

Multifunctional knitting box 15x14cm

Multifunctional knitting box 15x14cm

A multifunctional box mad...

Original price: 5,65 EUR

Your price: 3,11 EUR

Thimble for yarn guide

Thimble for yarn guide

Plastic thimble for guidi...


Your price: 2,58 EUR

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