You are here:
Vlnika»Catalogue»Yarn»Macrame yarns»Yarn Melinda
Yarn Melinda
Net weight [g]: |
250 |
Doporučená velikost jehlic: |
6 |
Návin na klubku v metrech: |
85 |
Cotton [%]: |
80 |
Polyester [%]: |
20 |
Háčkovací: |
ano |
Klasická: |
ano |
Cotton, braided solid yarn of twine character in beautiful mottled colors. You can knit or crochet rugs, rugs, ornaments and decorations from the yarn. It is also suitable for the production of handbags, baskets, ........
Yarn Melinda 1
Original price: 3,73 EUR
Your price: 2,05 EUR
Yarn Melinda 16
Original price: 3,73 EUR
Your price: 2,05 EUR
Yarn Melinda 21
Original price: 3,73 EUR
Your price: 2,05 EUR
Yarn Melinda 24
Original price: 3,73 EUR
Your price: 2,05 EUR
Yarn Melinda 25
Original price: 3,73 EUR
Your price: 2,05 EUR