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Abby 200 self-patterning sock Yarn

Abby 200 self-patterning sock Yarn
Net weight [g]: 100
Doporučená velikost jehlic: 4
Co upleteme z 1 klubka: 1 pár ponožek
Návin na klubku v metrech: 200
Nylon [%]: 25
Wool [%]: 75
Klasická: ano
Samovzorovací: ano

Stronger sock yarn in self-patterning design. The offer is now also available in monochrome and multicolor. It is durable and with anti-wash treatment.

Abby 200 self-patterning sock Yarn

Abby 200 self-patterning sock Yarn 40



Your price: 3,50 EUR

Abby 200 self-patterning sock Yarn

Abby 200 self-patterning sock Yarn 41



Your price: 3,50 EUR

Abby 200 self-patterning sock Yarn

Abby 200 self-patterning sock Yarn 42



Your price: 3,50 EUR

Abby 200 self-patterning sock Yarn

Abby 200 self-patterning sock Yarn 43



Your price: 3,50 EUR

Abby 200 self-patterning sock Yarn

Abby 200 self-patterning sock Yarn 44



Your price: 3,50 EUR

Abby 200 self-patterning sock Yarn

Abby 200 self-patterning sock Yarn 45



Your price: 3,50 EUR

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