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Vlnika»Catalogue»Yarn»Knitting yarns
Knitting yarns
The subcategory with the largest representation of yarns. You can knit with almost all of our yarns, only some of them make knitting more and others less work due to their structure or strength.
Hmotnost klubíčka může bý...
Your price: 3,81 EUR
Hmotnost klubíčka může bý...
Original price: 5,05 EUR
Your price: 2,78 EUR
Hmotnost klubíčka může bý...
Original price: 5,05 EUR
Your price: 2,78 EUR
Strong mixed yarn that ex...
Your price: 2,19 EUR
A strong, beautifully col...
Your price: 2,50 EUR
Very high-quality sock ya...
Your price: 3,85 EUR
Sock yarn, which is very ...
Your price: 3,85 EUR
Twisted cotton cord made ...
Original price: 9,15 EUR
Your price: 5,03 EUR
Interesting shaggy yarn f...
Original price: 1,54 EUR
Your price: 0,85 EUR
Interesting shaggy yarn f...
Original price: 2,12 EUR
Your price: 1,17 EUR
Very strong mixed yarn wi...
Your price: 4,32 EUR
Akrylová klasika. Ideální...
Your price: 1,77 EUR
Very popular varied yarn ...
Your price: 2,42 EUR
Fine cotton yarn for knit...
Your price: 1,35 EUR
Velmi jemná a příjemná ba...
Your price: 1,58 EUR
Acrylic classic. Ideal ya...
Your price: 1,46 EUR
Original price: 1,13 EUR
Your price: 0,62 EUR
Classic acrylic yarn, wha...
Original price: 2,77 EUR
Your price: 1,52 EUR
This soft acrylic yarn is...
Your price: 1,85 EUR
Crochet yarn for making b...
Your price: 1,23 EUR