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Vlnika»Catalogue»Yarn»Knitting yarns
Knitting yarns
The subcategory with the largest representation of yarns. You can knit with almost all of our yarns, only some of them make knitting more and others less work due to their structure or strength.
Crochet yarn for making b...
Your price: 2,27 EUR
Ribbon yarn 3 mm wide, co...
Original price: 0,96 EUR
Your price: 0,53 EUR
Thin yarn composed of vis...
Your price: 1,35 EUR
The pack contains 5 types...
Original price: 9,91 EUR
Your price: 1,85 EUR
Very high-quality medium-...
Your price: 3,85 EUR
Very versatile yarn in a ...
Your price: 2,58 EUR
Střapatá příze pro efektn...
Your price: 1,25 EUR
Jemná polyakrylová příze ...
Original price: 1,92 EUR
Your price: 1,06 EUR
Pružná, pletená dutinková...
Your price: 7,12 EUR